Instagram’s Algorithms Explained

Erin Stokes
The ListReports® Blog
5 min readJun 18, 2021


As a real estate professional, it is crucial to use Instagram and other social media platforms for your business. However, it can be difficult to stay active and get the latest information on the app. Here is a quick overview of Instagram’s algorithm and how to organically promote your content within the different sections of the app.

The Algorithm

The goal of the algorithm is to personalize your experience within Instagram by organizing shares to prioritize your favorite accounts. A common misconception is that Instagram has a single algorithm used throughout the app. In reality, there are multiple algorithms that make up each section of Instagram including feed, reels, and stories. However, the algorithms are influenced by your relationships and each feed within Instagram is maintained by your interests.

Gaining an understanding of how each algorithm works within the app will help you to grow your Instagram page, curate a wide-spread influence on other user’s feeds, and maintain a niche to promote your content to.

With this all said, community guideline violations may result in your account being suspended, and or posts being hidden from other users’ feeds. Third-party fact-checkers may also remove posts that promote any kind of misinformation.

Instagram Feed

The Instagram feed is where you can view recent posts shared by people you follow. The algorithm adjusts your feed based on what Instagram believes is relevant to you.

The Instagram algorithm uses multiple factors to make predictions on how likely you are to interact with a post. The algorithm considers how likely you are to spend a few seconds on a post, comment, and click the profile picture.

Here are a few of the factors that influence your feed on Instagram:

  1. Engagement

Users of Instagram engage with posts in their feed via comments, likes, and shares. Posts that are performing well are more likely to appear at the top of your feed. Accounts you follow appear on your feed based on the engagement they receive on each post.

As an Instagram user, you can influence the algorithm by promoting engagement on each of your posts. You can do this by sharing content with both an engaging caption and image. This is a surefire way to ensure that your followers see everything you share.

2. History of interactions

The history of interactions with your followed accounts is utilized so you see posts from your favorite accounts. This is also influenced by how often you interact with each of the accounts you follow via comment and like. Instagram takes note of each time you search for, direct message, and engage with the accounts you follow. These are then more likely to show up first on your feed and stories.

When posting on Instagram it is important to interact with your followers and respond to each comment you receive. These collaborations will influence the algorithm so your posts are more likely to show up first for your followers.

3. Possible interest

Previously liked posts are prioritized on your feed based on your possible interest. Instagram uses each of your engagements to determine which posts you may be interested in. This information also stays up to date based on your current interests.

Developing a niche group on Instagram when developing your content can positively influence the algorithm in your favor. With your follower’s interests in mind, your posts will be sent to the top of their feed.

Instagram Stories

Instagram stories are a series of short-lived images that users can share for up to 24 hours. The algorithm arranges the order of a user’s stories based on factors such as which accounts the user interacts with the most. These accounts are bumped to the front of the line each time they post.

Pro-tip: Mute stories from accounts you’re not interested in to let the algorithm know what content you would like to see!

Other factors that influence Instagram stories are:

  1. Consistency

Accounts that are posting consistently are influenced positively by the algorithm. This is due to the fact that this increases their chances of engagement. Instagram will then take these popular posts and push them to the beginning of the story feed. Posting as often as possible will

Consistently interacting with accounts you follow both through likes and responding to comments will increase your chances of your stories being widely seen. As result, this may encourage viewers to click on your page and interact with other posts.

2. Close friends

Instagram has an option to create a “close friends” list to share certain posts with. This can be used to distribute your content to a particular group of your followers. Employing this technique will provide a way for you to speak directly to interested people.

Close friends are also easily found at the beginning of the story’s feed. Meaning, each time you share a story with your close friends there is almost always a guarantee that they will see the image or video.

Explore Page

The explore page is where Instagram promotes content they believe holds potential interest for you. The explore page consists almost entirely of recommendations from new accounts and is based on your previous likes and interactions. You can customize this page by marking uninteresting posts with “not interested”.

Other factors that influence the explore page include:

  1. Tags, caption, and visual content

The explore page accounts for the tags on each post as well as the visual content and words in the caption. It is essential to consider what type of audience you are targeting, strong captions and niche hashtags will influence your ability to be found on other user’s explore pages. As a business, it is even more essential to use niche hashtags when possible in order to categorize your posts.

2. Performance

Indicators for the post's performance are used to determine which posts are shared on the explore page. These factors include likes, shares, and comments.

Once again, high-performing posts are more likely to be organically promoted within Instagram within the feed, stories, and explore page.

Instagram Reels and IGTV

Instagram reels are short 15–30 second video clips whereas IGTV videos are a place to share videos longer than a minute. Both versions of the video are promoted in relevant explore pages such as the reel tab within Instagram. Sharing a preview of your IGTV video is another great way to increase potential exposure.

Other factors that influence reels and IGTV include:

  1. Hashtags

One of the main ways Instagram distributes reels and IGTV videos is through relevant hashtags which boost discoverability. Determining what audience you’d like to promote your content to is a great way to narrow down an effective series of hashtags to use.

2. Promote to a niche audience

Both reels and IGTV videos are designed to entertain you, and the majority you’ll see come from accounts you don’t follow. Similar to hashtag use, establishing a niche audience is an adequate way to promote your content.

To do so, consider what audience your business is aimed for and develop content with this group in mind.

Instagram’s algorithms are used to make your experience using the app more enjoyable and efficient. Considering how these algorithms are distributing your content is a useful technique for gaining more traction such as likes or follows. Gaining an understanding of your potential audience is a surefire way to target customers for your business.

